Collect everything before you create a course?
If you can share what you have learnt over the years, there is nothing great like that, but also try to add something new every time to provide the real value to the viewers. Once you plan to create a course, don’t forget to do thorough research on the topic. You should do a thorough research on the same topic to find out if any good material already exists.
If you are an expert in your domain, obviously you will know more about the topic. Since you keep reading a lot, have a habit of saving the links and sharing the same with your readers. It will be also useful if you add your thoughts as well on the shared link that can add value further on the topic. Collecting such articles and topics means Curation.
Curating content is a process of searching, collating, organizing and creating the best piece of content on the said topic in any domain. Once you curate and share the most relevant content with your readers, you set to become an authority or a thought leader in your domain. It is, however, a continuous process to curate a content. One of the best examples can be of a tailor who stitches your shirt with multiple pieces of cloth; pieces of cloth may or may not be useful until the shirt is stitched.
How to perform the best Search?
Let us assume that being a curator you will have to do an extended search. You will have to not only find the data but also place it in a logical way so that the reader can make a useful outcome from the same. It is not just a random display of the facts. While searching you should use various combinations so that nothing important is left out. For curating the best piece of content you will have to be very selective in choosing the data as per some criteria.
How to set your criteria?
You should fix the criteria on the basis of which the search is to be performed and content is curated. You should choose the best selection criteria that can be very selective or random options. Search results depend on the way you perform your search with the help of selected criteria like keywords, a combination of keywords, locations, relevancy, etc.
What can be the context?
You are a curator so you should know that you have an opportunity to use your knowledge for creating the best piece of content. You will have to keep the context right and have relevant references for your content. This will help you in organizing your content accordingly and make the best use of the same. Check out if a similar type of content is available for use as references that can be further enhanced by using the experiences.
How links can be used in Context?
Your course can be enhanced and enriched on the basis of the links you can use as the references. If you are using the links, you are sharing your practical knowledge collating over the period of time as an experience. This can surely help your learners in enhancing their knowledge. The training provided through such content is always useful and very effective. Ideally, your learners may be looking for effective and curated content created by you since you are an expert in your domain.
How to practice Curation?
There are some essentials while practicing Curation:
1. Keep accumulating various links on the domain or topic of your expertise.
2. Know your purpose of curating content, thoroughly define the selection criteria and keep refining the content to curate the best piece of content.
3. Be informative to your learners by mentioning thorough introduction and explaining with the reason of choosing those selection criteria.
4. Explain in detail, the relevancy of the link and content in the piece, of course, you have created in order to help the learner to understand things better in depth.
ZeptoLearn helps you in curating the resources efficiently and with ease.